Chiropractic Care and Anxiety

According to the U.S. National Institute of Mental Health, anxiety disorders affect 18% of adult Americans or approximately 40 million people. Of these cases, 23 percent are considered “severe,” with recurring, debilitating symptoms like panic attacks or intense phobias that prevent normal functioning.

Despite the prevalence of anxiety disorders, only around a third of sufferers seek proper care for their condition. The rest risk the effects of anxiety disorders entering into their life and causing depression, poor work or school performance, relationship problems and more undesirable effects.

Fortunately, anxiety conditions can often be managed effectively through a combination of psychological therapy and other therapies like chiropractic.

Sufferers do not need to resort to drugs with drastic side effects that often compound problems rather than helping them. Instead, they can entrust in the care of chiropractic professionals, who will use their understanding of the nervous system and musculoskeletal system to help.

How Chiropractic Care can help Your Anxiety

Many of our mental conditions can be traced back to physical elements of the body. For instance, those who suffer chronic pain are significantly more likely to develop depression. Poor nervous system performance can also lead to conditions that worsen anxiety.

Nervous system disorders can often be connected to abnormalities of the spinal curvature, called subluxations since the spine houses our most important nerve pathways. When subluxations are pronounced, they can “kink” these nerve pathways and cause the sufferer to develop symptoms of anxiety. Dizziness, nervousness, fatigue, sadness and more can all be the fault of improper nerve functioning leading to imbalances of critical neurochemicals.

At the same time, conditions like anxiety can lead to us holding tension physically in our bodies, creating painful symptoms and obstructing nerve pathways in a vicious loop that only intensifies mental issues.

Chiropractic care can address subluxations and therefore help relieve the underlying causes of many anxiety conditions. It can also demonstrably help patients manage pain and improve their nervous system functioning through targeted adjustments. Upper cervical adjustments show the most promise in their ability to deliver such results.

Ask us how neurologically based chiropractic can help with your condition, and remember that you have choices that do not involve drugs.